Tuesday 2 April 2013

Talking About Hetalia Pt.1: Fav. Character and OTP

Hey everyone. I just got home from school and oh boy I hate it. I feel like I'm the only intelligennt person there....but we shant dwell on that...this starts the running of HetaWeek! A week of me blogging about any, and all things Hetalia!

My topic today will be the always popular, always culturally-compromising and always bishie-filled Hetalia!

Now, my experience with hetalia began when I was in Gr. 9 so about 2013 minus four years so 2009. I had heard girls talking about hetalia in the cafeteria whivh got me intrigued hearing people talk about "America" and "Germany" I didn't understand because II had never heard of it before.

Fast foward four years and I am a complete fangirl. I have an England Plushie, a N. Italy plushie and I am going to be buying myself an Russia and America plushie in june for myself once I get my money from Maple Lea.

Nonetheless, alot of people are probably now wondering "Tori, do you have a favourite character?" and to anwser that, yes....yes I do.

All of them!

Hehe, I know it's kind of a cop-out but I have reasonings I'd like to share on why I like them all.

Each character is unique, each has their own true-and-blue personality that makes extremely notable, even the smallest of minor characters are memorable (Poland's Pony, Iceland's Puffin, Kumajirou, etc.) so I feel not like all of them would be a disregard to how each one of them is spectacular in it's own way, fighting over characters goes against what hetalia in it's core is about.

"Make pasta, not war!"

Alright, so now that we got the argument of 'favourite' character out of the way (By the way, I do have a character who I appreciate a bit more in his characterisation but that'll be for another time. :3)

Do I have an OTP?

Yes, and here's a picture of said OTP

Yes, I am a FrUk (or if done correctly UkFr) haters gunna hate right? I am not going to rub it into the faces of those who don't like it or who are UKUS, or SPUK, or any other combination that suits your shipping needs but this is my chosen pairing despite everything that has happened between them. I've even written fanfiction that revolves around these two (some which will never see the light of day as long as I shall write.) and I'm also building an RPG based off of FrUk (The working title is Adventures of a British Gentleman) so that is my OTP.

Hmhmhm, I know it's short but I wanna have my readers wondering on what tomorrow will be, so that's all for tommorrow my lovelies! But here's a preiew for tomorrow since I feel nice today.

Here's a preview, so get excited everyone!


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